Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Evaluation Questionnaire of Entrepreneurs’ Toolkit

1.       Participant Details:

The name of the organization is Gift Smart Islington College which is also known as GSIC.           
Telephone number: 9841939716                                                                                                    

2.      Guide:  Methodology of  Business Plan Development

Gift Smart Islington College (GSIC) totally agrees that the content of methodology of business plan development is interesting, complete and useful to use. They also agreed that it is coherent, easy to understand and use. But they neither agree nor disagree that special training is needed for using methodology of business plan development.

3.       Tools Of Methodology Of Business Plan Development

Likewise, they also agreed that the tools of methodology of business plan development are completely understandable, and the information provided in the tools is also complete except for break even point. The break even point was neither agreed nor disagreed by them. GSIC completely agreed that the structure of the tools of methodology of business plan development is properly developed, interesting and useful and as well as coherent. The GSIC again disagreed that special training is needed for using
a.       Projected cash flow
b.      Operating results
c.       Ratios and
d.      Break even analysis of the methodology of business plan development.

But they agreed that for using
a.       Profit and loss account
b.      Profit and loss forecast and actual comparison
c.       Profit and loss account – tips for completion
d.      Balance sheet, special training or support is needed.
Overall the GSIC agreed that the tools of business plan development are easy to understand and use.

4.       Business Plan Executive Summary

Similarly the GSIC agreed that the business plan executive summary is understandable, complete, properly developed, interesting, useful, coherent, easy to understand and use. But they again disagreed that special training is needed to use the business plan executive summary.

5.       Model of Agreement

The GSIC fully agreed that the content of model of agreement is understandable, complete, properly developed, interesting and useful. They disagreed that special training is required to use it but they agreed that it is coherent and easy to understand.

6.       Overall

Finally, the GSIC agreed that the toolkit provides efficient support to entrepreneurs and it is an important tool for their business.

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